Texas CBP officers seized $124,000 in Eagle Pass, Texas, on March 20, when a Mexican national traveled with $124,052, apparently hidden in his vehicle.
Although no details are given about how the money was hidden, it is probably a case of classic bulk cash smuggling (watch an explanation of bulk cash smuggling). Here’s CBP’s summary of the incident:
EAGLE PASS, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at Eagle Pass Port of Entry recently seized over $124,000 in unreported currency hidden within a vehicle during an outbound examination.
“This seizure reflects the vigilant inspectional [sic] work of our frontline officers and their commitment to our border security mission,” said Port Director Pete Beattie, Eagle Pass Port of Entry. “Undeclared bulk cash seizures like these, often proceeds from illicit activity, have significant impact on those who fail to comply with federal currency reporting requirements, including transnational criminal organizations.”
The seizure occurred on Wednesday, March 20 at the Camino Real International Bridge when a CBP officer referred a southbound vehicle driven by a 48-year-old male Mexican citizen for secondary examination. After initial inspection, CBP officers conducted an intensive secondary examination and discovered a total of $124,052 in unreported currency concealed within the vehicle.
Has Texas CBP seized your bulk cash?
Has Texas CBP seized your bulk cash? If so, we can help. Read our helpful customs money seizure legal guide (or watch the videos) and contact us for a free currency seizure consultation by clicking the contact buttons on this page.