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We can help! Tell us what happened and we will contact you.
The procedure to get money back from Customs is complicated, but when you hire Great Lakes Customs Law we make it simple. More than 300 people just like you have used our customs law firm get their hard-earned money back from CBP.
As quick as Customs seizes money they can keep it, forever. If you make a mistake, like forget to check a box, provide the wrong information, not enough (or too much), CBP will be forced to deny you your right to get your money back, or can result in an intimidating investigation by Homeland Security. In the end, you can permanently lose your cash through forfeiture.
Don’t let it happen to you! We handle money seizure cases every day; we know the procedures and we know the people involved. Let the best handle it, and become one of our valued clients!
- Over 300 cases handled
- Cases from $10,000 to $150,000
- Nationwide