Baltimore Washington International Airport, to the best of my knowledge, does not have a high rate of enforcement in cash seizures by U.S. Customs & Border Protection. But, every once in a while the port touts their enforcement efforts in connection with this important area of law – the federal currency reporting regulations.
What follow is such a story, from a couple traveling to Nigeria with almost $35,000 in cash. According to the story, the couple violated “federal currency reporting regulations” which can mean they broke any number of laws such as a failure to report cash to customs, bulk cash smuggling, or unlawful structuring.
It is likely that this is a cash structuring offense because it involves a couple. For example, the husband could have given the wife $10,000 to carry that he (incorrectly) believed she would not have to report because it was not “more than” $10,000.
If he did that, however, this would be unlawful structuring and, by the very commission of unlawful structuring, also a failure to report.
BALTIMORE — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations (OFO), at Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport seized $34,030 Saturday from a Nigerian couple for violating federal currency reporting regulations.
The two travelers, who arrived on a flight from the United Kingdom reported carrying $8,000 to CBP officers however; multiple envelopes of currency totaling $34,030 were discovered in their bags. CBP officers seized the $34,030 returning $1,030 for humanitarian release and advised them how to petition for the return of the rest of the currency.
Have you violated the federal currency reporting regulations?
If you violated the federal currency reporting regulations, you really need a lawyer. Read our trusted customs money seizure legal guide and can contact us for a free cash seizure consultation by clicking the contact buttons on this page.