Cash seizures by Detroit CBP are picking up steam, as travel increased over the summer months as the pandemic (appeared) to diminish. You’ll recall in June, we reported on the 60% decline in cash seizures in Detroit; now, CBP is reporting (among other interesting statistics) that cash seizures have increased by 30% from FY20 to a total of $5.6 million. This is still far shy of the $7.8 million seized in FY 2019 (the record, as far as I can tell, was $10 million in FY 2015!).
Here’s the interesting parts from the full story:
The Detroit Field Office includes the Ambassador Bridge and Detroit Windsor Tunnel, the Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron, the International Bridge in Sault Ste. Marie, and Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
- Firearms/Ammunition ~
A total of 181 firearms were seized – along with 40,000 rounds of ammunition which is a 650% increase from Fiscal Year 2021 .
Undeclared Currency ~
The amount of undeclared currency seized rose 30% from FY20 to a total of $5.6 million.
Arrests ~
A total of 181 individuals were arrested in Fiscal Year 2021 for reasons to include: narcotics smuggling, human smuggling, firearms violations, and fraud.
Trade Stats ~
In Fiscal Year 2021 the Detroit Field Office enhanced the nation’s economic prosperity by processing 2,300,000 commercial trucks which was a 9% increase from 2020. Detroit continues to be the second busiest truck crossing in the entire United States and continues to process approximately 20% of all commercial trucks entering the United States annually. The Detroit Field Office also continued to strengthen its ties with the trade community and international supply chains in 2021 which resulted in a 12% increase of international trade entering the United States via ports of entry in Michigan worth $138 billion.
Agriculture Stats/Seizure – Securing American Agriculture
In Fiscal Year 2021, Detroit Field Office CBP agriculture specialists helped protect America’s agriculture, natural resources, and economic prosperity, intercepting 1,253 pests from entering the United States