Pardon the clever title, but a news release from U.S. Customs & Border Protection tells the tale of a man who tried to smuggle more than $50,000 in a laundry detergent box out of the United States:
CBP officers and Border Patrol agents were conducting a southbound inspection operation at theÂ
Presidiocrossing when [ . . . ] a 2011 GMC Sierra pick-up driven by a male U.S. citizen approached the checkpoint. The driver and vehicle were selected for an intensive exam. During inspection of the vehicle and baggage the officers noticed tampering on an unopened box of detergent. Further inspection of the box revealed currency bundles wrapped in plastic bags hidden within the soap. CBP officers seized the money and vehicle. No arrests were made and the investigation continues.
“CBP officers are working hard to stop the illegal movement of guns, ammunition and unreported currency,” said David Lambrix, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Presidio port director “Travelers who do not follow federal currency reporting requirements run the risk of losing their currency and may potentially face criminal charges.”
As you can see from the last paragraph, it is stories like these that really give Customs a chance to get on their soap box about their mission, money laundering, and the currency reporting requirements.
If you have had your money seized by Customs, please contact our office today and speak to an attorney experienced in customs law and currency seizures by calling (734) 855-4999, or e-mail us through our contact page.