Another currency seizure news release from Boston, which is reported here. As can be seen by the facts, the reason for the violation here was a misreport of the amount of currency being transported, which always includes all currency, whether U.S. or foreign, and also a concealment (i.e., smuggling) of another $6,200 wrapped in personal items.
Even though the couple was forthright in declaring $10,000 of their currency, all of the currency included the $10,000 was seized. This case is useful in presenting common issues concerning currency seizures, such as:
- U.S. and foreign currency must be reported;
- Travelling companions must declare all money/monetary instruments;Â and,
- A total amount of currency being transported must be reported when over $10,000, not just the amount of money that exceeds  $10,000.
We have a lot more information on currency seizures that we make available on our Currency Seizure page and on this blog. Here are the facts in this case, as realted by CBP:
Baltimore — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) seized $16,000 yesterday from a Nigerian couple for violating federal currency reporting regulations.
The passengers, who arrived to BWI from London and were destined for Essex, Md., repeatedly declared possessing only $10,000 and presented two envelopes to CBP officers containing the equivalent of $10,345 in U.S. and foreign currency. CBP officers explained the currency reporting requirements and again asked the couple if they were carrying any more currency or monetary instruments to which the passengers stated they were not. While examining the passenger’s luggage, CBP officers discovered another envelope wrapped in clothing that contained $6,200 bringing the total to $16,545.
If you have had your money seized by Customs, please contact our office today and speak to an attorney experienced in customs law and currency seizures by calling (734) 855-4999, or e-mail us through our contact page.