Increased travel for the holidays means increased opportunities for customs to seize your money for failing to report the transport of more than $10,000 into or out of the United States. You should protect yourself from seizure and ensure that you comply with all the laws related to entering or leaving the United States, but most especially for readers of this customs law blog, the curreny reporting requirements for the United States.
Customs warns in a recent news release for travel tips as follows:
With the holiday season in full swing, U.S. Customs and Border Protection is providing international travelers with the following helpful tips to ease travel angst when departing from or returning to the U.S.
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Currency: There are no restrictions on the amount of money that can be carried into or out of the U.S. The only requirement is that if the amount exceeds $10,000, the currency must be reported on a “Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments” form (FinCEN 105). The completed form must be turned in to a
International Arrivals at DTW
CBP officer prior to departing the U.S. if carrying the currency out, or upon return if carrying the currency in. Failure to report currency can result in prosecution or severe penalties including forfeiture.
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CBP Inspection Process: Understand that CBP officers have the authority to conduct enforcement examinations on travelers and their belongings when entering the U.S. Thorough examinations of luggage, personal belongings, and personal searches are meant to enforce U.S. laws as well as protect the nation.
If you have had cash seized by customs and are contemplating what to do next, please make use of the other information available on this website or call our office at (734) 855-4999 to speak to a customs lawyer, or e-mail us through our contact page. We are able to assist with cash seized by customs around the country, including Chicago, Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles, Orlando and many other places, and not just locally in Detroit.